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Latest “Angry” Tweets
RT @JordanDBeaumont: Stellar overview by @One_Angry_Chef of the complexity of food and nutrition and common messages around diet, with l… https://t.co/OXUnBuLejL
RT @PaxmanJenny: To our amazing speakers this morning…thank you all! @ElliNutrition @One_Angry_Chef and Mark Simester @SoreenHQ You… https://t.co/4evYgmT0se
RT @doctor_oxford: Wow. Even by his own dismal standards, this is an abject new low for Aseem Malhotra. To be clear, this is a GMC-… https://t.co/itB4AtwB0x
RT @JohnSpeakman4: GENETICS and OBESITY. I heard a lot recently about how genes can’t change in 60 years. If you envision this as gene… https://t.co/3bRAhiow7U
RT @DarkLiterata: holy infant so tender and mild implies the existence of a cursed infant so chewy and spicy
End of Days
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